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Racism and Cain
22 Oct 2011
The Bible provides the antidote to racism and slavery, and a basic chronology of Cain.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Evolutionary legal theories
21 Oct 2011
The impact of Darwinism on Western conceptions of law
by Augusto Zimmermann
The slippery slope
20 Oct 2011
Richard Dawkins has written approvingly of the ‘changing moral zeitgeist’ but this is a treacherous slippery slope where former taboos like pedophilia are increasingly seen instead as ‘alternative lifestyles’.
What would life be like without creation ministries?
19 Oct 2011
It causes people to think about the issues by making them realize that there is an issue to think about in the first place.
by Gary Bates
Thermodynamics and evolution
18 Oct 2011
How useful is the Second Law of Thermodynamics as an argument against evolution?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The mud is missing
17 Oct 2011
So the world is young
by Tas Walker
Pagan copycat thesis
15 Oct 2011
Jesus was not made up from pagan myths
by Lita Sanders
An important academic resource
14 Oct 2011
A review of Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson and Thane H. Ury (Eds.)
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
What happens when speculative science and questionable exegesis collide
13 Oct 2011
What happens when speculative science and questionable exegesis collide.
by Lita Sanders
12 Oct 2011
Ancient legends from various cultures around the world all point to knowledge of one cataclysmic historic event.
by Rebecca Conolly and Russell Grigg
Neutrinos faster than light?
11 Oct 2011
Neutrinos moving faster than light? Is it real? What would it mean?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfari
Don’t blame Malthus!
10 Oct 2011
English clergyman Thomas Malthus wrote an essay on population and food supply which Darwin credited as one of his inspirations. What are the facts?
by Russell Grigg