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Fishing with compromised nets
12 May 2016
Believers are to cast the Gospel net of faith into the sea of doubt around them to save the lost. But compromised nets yield few results.
by Calvin Smith
They want to convert your children!
10 May 2016
When theistic evolutionists convince children not to believe the Bible’s account of origins, what are they really converting them to?
by Lita Sanders
Bearing witness to the Creator
09 May 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Lita Sanders
Why should we think living things were created by God? 
07 May 2016
Answering an atheist who insists design is an illusion.
by Keaton Halley
Debating the historical Adam and Eve
06 May 2016
A book that misses a chance to fully address or adequately explain young-age views on our first parents.
by Shaun Doyle
Monkey minds
05 May 2016
If our minds were undesigned, accidental byproducts of evolution, why would we trust them?
by Keaton Halley
The miracle of tears
04 May 2016
Humans alone cry tears which are vital to our emotional health.
by Jerry Bergman
Why leave the atheists out?
03 May 2016
The violence and bloodshed of the religion of atheism.
by Don Hardgrave
Enraged elephants, terrifying tigers, and dangerous dinosaurs
02 May 2016
Elephants and tigers aren’t doing themselves any favours in the survival stakes.
by David Catchpoole
Plato and Christianity
30 Apr 2016
Are Christianity’s roots found in Plato’s philosophy or Old Testament revelation?
by Shaun Doyle
Solar activity, cold European winters, and the Little Ice Age
29 Apr 2016
A concept known as the charge modulation of aerosol scavenging (CMAS) may help researchers unearth the causes of severe European winters.
by Jake Hebert
An infuriated and vindictive God?
28 Apr 2016
Were the curse of Genesis 3 and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross the acts of an incensed malicious God? A professing Christian minister claims so!
by Phil Robinson