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Genetics and God’s natural selection
26 Aug 2009
by unspecidfied
Hitting the nail on the head
25 Aug 2009
Smacking your thumb with a hammer is a painful experience! It often makes you hesitant to try again. But an experienced carpenter rarely misses, and feels the satisfaction of regularly hitting the nail on the head.
by Calvin Smith
Making the movie
24 Aug 2009
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Carl Wieland
Suicidal atheist converts to Christ
22 Aug 2009
A former atheist found himself suicidal when he realized the implications of atheism, which logically destroys all meaning and purpose in our existence. Thankfully he has now found purpose and meaning.
by Don Batten
The paradox of warm-climate vegetation in Antarctica
21 Aug 2009
Points to floating mats of vegetation rafting trees and plants into the region during Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Pesticide resistance is not evidence of evolution
17 Mar 2021
Whether pest control experts realize it or not, successful pesticide strategies have been designed from a creationist perspective.
by David Catchpoole
A change in tactics
18 Aug 2009
Notable evolutionists are retreating into arguments from analogy. Are evolutionary “strongholds” buckling?
by Calvin Smith
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?
21 Sep 2022
If Darwin had today’s knowledge of the complexity of life, the lack of transitional fossils, the crumbling evidence for the tree of life, would he have been an evolutionist?
by Don Batten
The UFO phenomenon—growing and not going away!
11 Jan 2024
Society’s cultural views are constantly shifting to keep pace with its evolutionary worldview. Can the church get up to speed when much of it fails to identify the root cause?
by Gary Bates
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms?
01 Dec 2017
Many kinds of eyes exist, but there is no progression of eye designs from simple to complex in the fossils. Even the simplest light-detecting cell requires enormously complicated coordinated biochemistry.
by Jerry Bergman
Why were the Reformers burned?
13 Aug 2009
Modern evangelical Christians might be surprised to learn of what was, and is, at stake. How many would be prepared to similarly resist, to the point of death, today?
by Neil Moore
God’s global warming worked just fine
11 Aug 2009
A lot of the doom and gloom over global warming comes from a non-biblical view of history. Thinking biblically dispels fear.
by Russ Humphreys