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Artificial wombs may help extremely premature babies
08 Jun 2017
Every year hundreds of thousands of babies are born prematurely worldwide. With premature birth being the lead cause of death for babies, can an artificial womb help them?
by Phil Robinson
Resurrecting a ‘prehistoric’ horse
07 Jun 2017
Horses are horses, of course, and they had their genesis in Genesis.
by Philip Bell
Alien Intrusion: The Movie
06 Jun 2017
The video production coordinator of the new Alien Intrusion movie gives some behind-the-scenes details of shooting the movie.
by Murphy Thelen
Human cloning
05 Jun 2017
What are the ramifications if scientists take the next step in creating artificial life?
by Robert Carter
Must we believe in Christ to be saved?
03 Jun 2017
How would you answer this vitally important question?
by Lita Sanders
Modelling biblical human population growth
02 Jun 2017
The number of people alive today best fits the premise that we all descend from Noah and his family who survived the global Flood.
by Robert Carter and Chris Hardy
Would Christ create through evolution?
01 Jun 2017
Refuting another theistic evolutionary argument from N.T. Wright.
by Lita Sanders
Farming frustrations? ...
31 May 2017
Despite the latest technological advancements and increasing scientific knowledge, it is still hard work to successfully grow our food.
by Jack Walker
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
30 May 2017
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter
20 Jul 2022
From summer gold to winter blue, reindeer eyes are designed to optimize vision during the winter twilight “blue hour”.
by David Catchpoole
The authorship of the Gospels and answering the Christ myth
27 May 2017
Answering questions about the authorship and sources of the Gospels, and refuting some common arguments related to ‘the Christ myth’.
by Lita Sanders
Darwinism has remade Western society—for the worse
26 May 2017
A look at how evolutionary thinking has impacted society far beyond the scientific realm.
by John Woodmorappe