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Should CMI ignore atheists?
12 Jun 2010
A correspondent says we should ignore the atheists—and also claims that we are making a fundamental error in relation to the Bible.
by Don Batten
Morphology and molecules in conflict yet again
12 Feb 2010
Despite their media image, evolutionary family trees are far from harmonious and settled.
by Reinhard Junker
Animals on the Ark
26 Feb 2012
Was there enough room?
by Lita Cosner, Don batten
Paying homage to the stork
18 Nov 2008
What would it take to get you to disbelieve Christianity? One author ‘puts it on the line’ as to why the evolutionary ‘big picture’ so violently contradicts the Gospel.
by Clifford Goldstein
Is Christianity unbelievable?
01 Jul 2023
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge.
by Thomas Fretwell
Silicon based bugs
09 May 2017
Smart work in the laboratory manipulating already existing life does not equal a step forward in goo-to-you evolution.
by John Hartnett and Robert Carter
Mechanical engineer on creation
19 Mar 2018
Tenured Penn State Professor believes in creation.
by Lita Sanders
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’
25 Jun 2018
It’s not right to blame the dingo, just for the sake of promoting the evolutionary storyline.
by David Catchpoole
Creation.com Site map
creation.com site map
by anon
Provoked by the truth
15 Aug 2015
When skeptics criticize our ministry, they rarely engage in a reasoned debate but rather make fact-free assertions and resort to ridicule.
by Warren Nunn, Tas Walker
Does CMI deal with end times?
03 Sep 2019
CMI deals with end times, but the really important issue may not be what you think it is!
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Scripture’s self-authentication
21 Jun 2016
A review of John Piper’s latest book, A Peculiar Glory.
by Lita Sanders