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Surtsey still surprises
16 Feb 2009
This island with canyons, rounded boulders and a ‘fully functional ecosystem’ has been described as ‘astonishing’. Why? It’s only 45 years old!
by David Catchpoole
Kingdom of the plants: defying evolution
08 Nov 2017
The supposed sequence of plant evolution contradicts the burial order in the fossil record.
by Alexander Williams
Terrorism and Europe’s spiritual vacuum
19 Jan 2016
Threats to peace and stability generally (such as fear of terrorism) are not disconnected from the increasing moral and spiritual vacuum in our post-Christian western nations.
by Philip Bell
‘Lucy walked upright!’ (or did she?)
17 Feb 2011
A single bone is used to try to overturn the voluminous evidence that ‘Lucy’s’ kind did not walk like people—and even had flat feet.
by Carl Wieland
Exploring the heavens
03 Sep 2007
Jonathan Sarfati chats with NASA scientist Michael Tigges about outer space and Genesis
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Star of Bethlehem: A Review
14 Dec 2010
Rick Larson claims to have found astronomical corroboration of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. Does it stand up to scrutiny?
by Lita Sanders
Australian Christian schools in creationism row
09 Mar 2010
Many are calling this the thin edge of the wedge for Christians everywhere …
by n
Atheists to do religious education in schools
19 Dec 2008
The government of Victoria, Australia, looks set to approve atheists teaching their destructive beliefs to young children.
by Don Batten and Russell Grigg
Did Matthew misuse the Old Testament?
26 Dec 2019
Did Jesus’ birth actually fulfill prophecies in Scripture?
by Lita Sanders
Did Jesus believe Genesis?
11 Jul 2015
Does the New Testament give us enough information to say what Jesus thought about Genesis?
by Lita Sanders
Part 1: Culture wars: Bacon vs Ham
Why we take the approach we do.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
The UFO phenomenon—growing and not going away!
11 Jan 2024
Society’s cultural views are constantly shifting to keep pace with its evolutionary worldview. Can the church get up to speed when much of it fails to identify the root cause?
by Gary Bates