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Lithium deposits at Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
14 Feb 2015
How to understand its formation and the origin of the lithium deposits.
by Tas Walker
Rational scientists and homosexual dogmatism
06 Jun 2015
How can we respond to aggressive pro-homosexual dogma? Also, a CMI reader notes an irony about allegedly rational evolutionary scientists.
by Keaton Halley
Baleen whales have unique sensory organ
20 Oct 2014
Baleen whales feed very energetically, requiring precise coordination to avoid breaking their jaws
by Jonathan Sarfati
Veteran creation biologist Dr Wayne Frair
22 Mar 2011
discusses his experiences as a creationist student in zoology departments of several universities
by Wayne Frair
The tarsier’s ‘secret speech’
01 Feb 2016
When the tarsier opened its mouth and no sound could be heard, people thought it was simply yawning or stretching. How wrong they were.
by David Catchpoole
Analogy and geology—the ‘science’ of Charles Lyell
21 Oct 2016
A deistic view of the ‘order of nature’ influenced Charles Lyell’s approach to geology, not observational science.
by Dominic Statham
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has ‘leading edge’ technology
26 Jun 2007
Jumbo jets have certain design features enabling safe take-off and landing at slower airspeeds than in mid-flight. It turns out that one of those design features—previously unknown in birds—eagles use brilliantly.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Where is the post-Flood boundary?
09 May 2014
Creationists disagree over where to place the post-Flood boundary in the rocks. Creationist researcher Michael Oard argues that the boundary is generally in the Late Cenozoic.
by Michael J Oard
What’s wrong with Hindu pantheism?
09 Sep 2017
What arguments can be given in response to the Advaita tradition in Hinduism?
by Shaun Doyle
Sediment bioturbation experiments and the actual rock record
14 Jan 2011
What do experiments about sediment-churning organisms tell us about how long trace fossils take to form?
by Carl R. Froede Jr
Genesis and heavenly things
08 Oct 2013
Jesus was not a fallible man whose statements about Genesis need to be interpreted in the light of ‘modern science’.
by Dominic Statham
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
03 Mar 2017
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg