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The bigger they are …
08 Jul 2020
Skeptics say if humans and dinosaurs co-existed, then we would have been easy prey for such monsters. Or would the reverse be the case?
by Carl Wieland
Where was Eden? part 2: geological considerations—examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record
29 Jun 2018
Part 2: The geology and geography of Eden

by Robert Carter and Lita Cosner
Sickness in the Church!
26 Nov 2008
We all can see the symptoms of the sickness affecting much of the church and society today. But what’s the remedy?
by Philip Bell
Interpreting Genesis
19 Mar 2011
Why is it so important to interpret Genesis as reliable history?
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
Ghosts, experience, and the Bible
18 Mar 2012
The Bible is our ultimate authority, not experience.
by Lita Sanders
Exposing the deception
13 Jun 2016
Fed up with how evolution is promoted as fact, one scientist self-published a book which challenges the worldly view of origins.
by Carl Wieland
In the beginning … they misunderstood
17 Apr 2015
Two evangelical theologians set out to interpret Genesis 1 in its original context but is their methodology flawed?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Why do so many people commit suicide?
03 Jan 2013
As evolutionary teaching has increased, so too has the number of people killing themselves.
by Seth Adamson
Turtles can read magnetic maps
Turtles can read magnetic maps
by Jonathan Sarfati
The amazing bombardier beetle
22 Feb 2021
God’s engineering marvel that inspired new spray system designs.
by Andy McIntosh
Living Proof?
Did dinos and man really live together?
by Jasmine Ireland
Busting Myths!
16 Jul 2015
A new CMI resource helps bust the myth that no real scientist believes in creation.
by Gary bates