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What happened at Babel?
Languages are more than a barrier to humans understanding humans because they defy a common origin into which evolutionary linguists predict they should fit.
by Charles Taylor
Whether tall or small—people, all!
30 Nov 2009
The staggering variation in people’s height illustrates the created capacity for variety in the human kind.
by David Catchpoole
Recessive Stage of Flood began in the mid-Cretaceous and eroded kilometres of sediment from continent
26 Jan 2018
The geology of south-west Western Australia interpreted from a biblical perspective.
by Tas Walker
Answering a most-asked question
10 May 2022
Does distant starlight conflict with the Bible's account of recent 6-day creation?
by Don Batten
Iron sharpening iron: the MT-LXX debate as a case study of Christian disagreement
03 Aug 2019
A reader claims that we were unfair in our assessment of another Christian’s research. We respond.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Responding to common atheistic arguments
31 Dec 2011
How should we respond?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Dr Rob carter
A new cancer treatment thanks to Darwin?
06 Jul 2020
It actually speaks against Darwinism!
by Don Batten
Are EGGs all they’re cracked up to be?
09 Jan 2015
A closer look at star formation scrambles earlier ideas about what is hatching in the heavens.
by Ronald G. Samec
Butterfly blast
World-leading butterfly book launches a stunning 'both barrels' attack on evolution.
by Carl Wieland
Why we do what we do
07 Jan 2016
Why CMI focuses on ministering to those who already believe in Christ.
by Carl Wieland
CMI booklet reflects ‘stubbornness and arrogance’ (?)
16 Jun 2012
An African supporter sent CMI’s 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History to a Christian friend and got a withering response. He asked CMI to comment on the response …
by Carl Wieland
Let all views be heard, dissenters say—teach only one view, suppressers say
04 Nov 2014
Despite saturation presentation of evolution as fact in the classroom and by the media, a significant percentage of people still want to hear about alternatives such as creation.
by Warren Nunn