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Can evolution’s long ages be squeezed into early Genesis?
by Charles V. Taylor
The planets are young: 2. Earth and Mars
21 Aug 2019
We present reasons why Earth and Mars are young, not billions of years old, as per the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
Origin of life questions, and what biblical creationists really believe
07 Feb 2009
CMI commended for providing answers that pastors wouldn’t, and helps refute atheist’s chemical evolution propaganda and misunderstandings about biblical Creation/Fall model.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Box Canyon, Idaho
17 Jun 2011
Megaflood origins and implications for sapping erosion
by Michael J Oard
Theistic evolutionary doublespeak
05 Jul 2013
A review of The Language of Science and Faith by Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins.
by Lita Sanders
Creation challenge: leave the Bible out of it
24 Aug 2023
Is secular ‘science’ the final authority for a Christian, or the Bible?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why is theistic evolution so problematic?
04 May 2014
Dialogue with a long-time theistic evolutionary objector to our material highlights the problems and dangers of theistic evolution.
by Carl Wieland
Answering angry anti-Christianity
15 Apr 2002
by Jonathan Sarfati
Speciation is not evolution
18 Aug 2018
Biblical Creation predicts and requires rapid speciation!
by Joel Tay
Rock layers and caves
30 Jul 2011
Are creationists mistaken about how they form, and how long they take to form?
by Emil Silvestru, Tas Walker
The ‘God gene’
14 Nov 2015
Is there a ‘God gene’? And would a lack of it excuse a non-believer from investigating the evidence for God and the Gospel?
by Shaun Doyle
Hugh Ross bluffs at church meeting
31 Mar 2020
At church meetings, Ross still makes blatantly false claims, including about church fathers, human fossils, Neandertals, and the flood.
by Jonathan Sarfati