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Origin of the elements—Bible vs the big bang
02 Sep 2012
Bible vs the big bang
by Russ Humphries
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
DNA: the best information storage system
04 Jun 2015
DNA can store computer information extremely densely. Even preserved in silica glass, it could not survive the evolutionary age of dinosaurs. So dinos with DNA could not be millions of years.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Anchiornis huxleyi: new four-winged feathered dino?
06 Oct 2009
Does the new Chinese fossil Anchiornis huxleyi prove the dinosaurian origin of birds, and solve a major objection?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Minnesota Iceman hoax
16 Mar 2011
A phony ‘missing link’ that fooled the scientific establishment for a while.
by Russell Grigg
Brisk biters
by Carl Wieland
Cloning: right or wrong?
by Werner Gitt
Could recent creation be true, but not Christianity?
12 Sep 2009
In a rare situation, a reader says he is convinced of recent creation, but doubts if the Bible or Christianity is true.
by Carl Wieland
Logistics of the Exodus
04 Sep 2010
How did Moses organize the Israelites to cross the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): will a black hole swallow us?
12 Sep 2008
Media hype had some people thinking the world would end. CMI’s Dr Russell Humphreys, formerly a physicist with the prestigious Sandia National Laboratories, makes an informed comment.
by Russell Humphreys
God and the electron
Professor Keith Wanser is a physicist who sees overwhelming evidence for recent, six-day creation.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Total eclipse of the brain
19 Aug 2017
Don’t fall for flat-earth brainwashing
by Robert Carter